
1. 1C: 16+ (less with strong suit or suits)
      a) NEGATIVE : 1D: 0-7 or Impossible negative(4441) 8 or more points
  i) 1 NT: 16-18 balanced, maybe 5 card minor
  Pass: 0-6 balanced
  2C: non forcing stayman
                          2D: Forcing Stayman
                          2H/2S: 0-5 unbalanced, signoff
                          2NT: 7 balanced or 6 with a 5 carder
  Jump to 3C/3D/3H/3S : Impossible -ve, singleton in
                                                 next higher suit
                          3NT: 7 with a 5 carder
                          4C: Gerber Ace Asking (0-4/1/2/3)
                          4D/4H: Texas transfer to 4H/4S
                 ii) 2 NT: 19-21 balanced, maybe 5 card minor
   3C: Baron, asking partner to bid 4 carder upwards
                           3D: Flint(transfer to 3H for later signoff
                                                                in 3H/3S/4C/4D)
   3H/3S: 5 carder, forcing
   3NT: 4-5 balanced, sign off
                           4C: Gerber
                           4D/4H: Texas transfer to 4H/4S
                iii) 3NT: 24-26 balanced, maybe 5 card minor
                           4C: Baron
                           4D: Flint
                           4H/4S: 5 carder, forcing to 4NT level
                (iv) 1H/1S: maybe 4 carder with another lower 5 carder or
                                                    only 5 carder major.
                           Pass: 0 - 4
                           1S: 4 - 7, one round force, 5 carder major
                           1NT: 5 - 7 or 4 with no support
                           2C/2D: 5 - 7, five carder non forcing
                           raise to 2H/2S: 5 - 6 including distribution
                           2NT: Impossible negative.
                                3C: relay asking for singleton
                                     openers suit 3H/3S: singleton, 8-10 or 14+
                                     3NT: singleton in openers suit, 11-13
                                     new suit: own singleton
                 (v) 2C/2D: 6 carder or 5 carder with weak major or both minors
                           Pass: 0 - 4
                           2H/2S: Maybe suit, maybe NT probe, 1 round force
                           2NT: 5-7, scattered values, balanced
                           3C: values in C's, one round force
                           single raise (3D): non forcing
                           jump to 3H/3S: 6 carder with 2 top honors
                           3NT: Impossible negative, singleton in partner's suit
                 (vi) Jump to 2H/2S/3C/3D: 3 1/2 - 4 1/2 losers
                           minimum NT: minimum and no support
                           raise: minimum and support
                           new suit: values in the suit
                                    opener's rebid non forcing
                                    new suit: forcing
                 (vii) Double jump to 3H/3S: solid suit, asking for Aces  in
                                                            side suit
                            new suit: ace in the suit
                            3NT: no ace
                                openers next bid is relay
                                     king or singleton with trump support

      b) CONSTRUCTIVE: 2H/2S: 3-6, 6 carder with 1 top honor
                       Pass: Game unlikely
                       new suit: 1 round force
                             rebid H/S: min. no support
                             raise: xxx or Qx support
                       2NT: support in suit, forcing
                              rebid H/S: minimum
                              new suit: values in suit bid
                              3NT: suit with AQ or KQ
                       raise 3H/3S: inviting
                                Pass: minimum
                                raise: game going
                       3NT: shutoff bid
      c) CONSTRUCTIVE: 3C/3D: 7 carder with AQ or KQ
                                   Natural bidding
                       3H/3S: 4 - 6, 7 carder
                                   Natural bidding
                       4H/4S: 4 - 6, 8 carder
                                   Natural bidding
      d) POSITIVE: 1H/1S: 8 points, 5 carder
                       new suit 1S/2C/2D: ALPHA asking for support and controls
                             jump to 3 in original suit: 7 carder
                             jump in new suit: 6-5 or 5-5, singleton in
                                                             opener's suit
                             ALPHA RESPONSES
                             1 step: Less than Qxx, max 3 controls
                             2 step: Less than Qxx, 4+ controls
                             3 step: Qxx or better support, max 3 controls
                             4 step: Qxx or better support, 4+ controls
                             5 step: Qxxx or better support, 4+ controls
                                 responders suit(3H/3S): GAMMA for quality
                                      1 step: No top honor               (0)
                                      2 step: 5 carder, 1 top honor      (1)
                                      3 step: 5 carder, 2 top honors     (2)
                                      4 step: 6 carder, 1 top honor      (1)
                                      5 step: 6 carder, 2 top honors     (2)
                                      6 step: 3 top honors               (3)
                        1NT: BETA  asking for number of controls
                               BETA RESPONSES(A=2, K=1 control)
                               1 step: 0-2 controls
                               2 step: 3 controls
                               3 step: 4 controls
                                   responder's suit(3H/3S): Gamma
                                            GAMMA RESPONSES
                        2H/2S raise: GAMMA
                               GAMMA RESPONSES
       e) POSITIVE 2C/2D: 8 with 5 carder
                        New suit 2D/2H/2S: ALPHA
                               ALPHA responses
                                  Responder's suit at 3 level(not beyond): GAMMA
                        raise 3C/3D: GAMMA
                               GAMMA RESPONSES
                                     4C Beta(4D if C was the suit)
                        2NT: Natural
      e) POSITIVE: 1NT: 8-13 balanced, no 5 carder
 2C: Stayman and relay for point range
   2D: 8-10 no major
                               2NT: non forcing
   2H/2S: 8-10 major
                                2NT: no forcing
                           2NT: 11-13, maybe with major
                                3C: Baron
                                3D/3H/3S: suit
                 2D/2H/2S: suit and ALPHA
                           ALPHA responses
                 2NT: 16-17 minimum, non forcing
      f) POSITIVE: 2NT: 14+ balanced, no 5 carder
                   3C: Baron
                   3D/3H/3S: suit and ALPHA
                       ALPHA responses
                   4C: modified BETA
                        2-3 controls: 1-st step
                        4   controls: 2-nd step
      g) POSITIVE: 3NT: 14-15 balanced
       4C: modified stayman asking responder to start bidding his
   4 carder starting from lowest

      Double :
               Pass: 0 - 4
               1D: 5 - 7 no major
               redouble: 5 - 7 at least 1 major
      At 1 level:
               Pass: 0 -4
               Double: 5 - 7, negative or 8+ without a stopper
               1NT: 8 - 10 with a stopper
               cue bid: 9+
               Pass: 0 - 4
               Double: 5 - 7, negative or 8+ without a stopper
               suit: 5 - 7, 5 carder
      At 2 level:
               Pass: 0 - 4 or 8+ with strength in opponents suit
               Double: 5 - 7, negative or 8+
               suit: 7+, one round force
     At 3 level:
               Double: optional
     After intervention to Alpha and Gamma, Double: 1 step
                                              Pass: 2 step

2. 1D: 12-15, min. 3 carder diamond
      a) 1H/1S: 7-15 (Less if D singleton)
    i) 1NT: Minimum
Lower Suite / Rebid H/S / Jump to 3D: Non-forcing
Reverse to 2S/2H: Forcing
            ii) Raise (2H/2S): Minimum
New suite at 3 level / 3D: Forcing
            ii) New suite at 2 level: 14/15
Lower suite / rebid H/S / 3D: Non-forcing
            iii) 2 NT : Maximum 15
New suite at 3 level : Forcing
            iv) Double Raise: 3H/3S: Maximum
       b) 1 NT: 8-10 balanced, No Major
       c) 2C: 10+ (less with long suite) Forcing upto 3NT
i) 2D: five card suite
Rebid 3C: Non-forcing
ii) 2H/2S: 14-15, NT Probe, Stopper Showing may be a suite
Rebid 3C: Non-forcing
iii) 2NT: 12-13, minimum
Rebid 3C: Non-forcing
iv) raise 3C: Non-forcing
v) jump to 3D: Maximum, Good Diamond suite
vi) jump to 3H/3S: Maximum, NT Probe, Good support for C
vii) Jump to 3NT: Max., Stoppers in both majors
       d) 2D: 10-15, no major, good D support, one round force
i) 2H/2S: stoppers, NT Probe
ii) 2NT: stoppers in both majors
iii) 3C/3D: no stopper in at least one major, Non-forcing
       e) 3D: Pre-emptive, 5 card D
       f) 2H/2S/3C: 18+ Strong suite or 15+ fair suite with good D support
       g) 2NT: 16+, balanced, Baron
       h) 3NT: 14-15 balanced 4-3-3-3

  Suite Call: Non-Forcing
  2NT: 10-11, support in D
  3D: 6-9, Preempt
            Suite call upto 2S level:
   Double : Negative
   Suite call: Non-forcing
   2D: 6-9 support in D
   3D: 10-11
   2NT: 11-13, balanced, Stopper in Opponent's suite

3. 1H/1S: 12-15, 5 carder
        (a) Pass: 0 - 7, poor support
        (b) 1S: 7 - 15, maybe with a longer minor if 7 - 9
                  (i) 1NT: 12 - 14 minimum
                           Rebid/lower suit/2NT: non-forcing
                 (ii) New Suit: 13 - 15, non forcing
                (iii) 2NT: 15, stoppers in remaining two suits
                 (iv) Raise(2S): 12-14
                         New suit at 3 level or joining opener in 3H: forcing
        (c) 2C/2D/2H: 10+, maybe 4 carder but H 5 carder
                  (i) Rebid 2H/2S: not necessarily a 6 carder
                         New suit at 3 level or reverse in 2S: forcing
                 (ii) Reverse in 2S: 14-15, forcing
                (iii) New suit at 2 level: may not be suit, 1 round force
                 (iv) 2NT: 12 - 14, stoppers in remaining two suits
                  (v) Raise to 3C/3D/3H: 12-14, good support, non-forcing
                 (vi) Jump in a new suit: 14-15, good support, control in suit
                (vii) Jump in original suit: 14-15, very good 6 carder
               (viii) Jump to 3NT: 15, stoppers in remaining suits
        (d) 1NT: 8-11 balanced                                  OR
              6-8 with a long suit(L-type, L for limited)       OR
              8-11, 3 card support and ruffing value            OR
             11-14, very strong support (KQxxx with a side A or AKxxx with K) OR
             11-14, good trump support, a singleton or void(S Type, S for
                                        singleton,) 4+ controls
               (i) New Suit 2C/2D: C /D maybe 3 carder  but H/S 4carder. With
                                    both 3 carder, bid 2C
                            Pass: 8 - 11, 4 carder support
                            Revert to first suit H/S: 8-10, poor support
                            New Suit: 6-8, long suit (L Type)
                            Raise 3C/3D: 9-11, 5 carder support
                            2NT: 10-11 balanced
                            Jump in first suit 3H/3S: 10-11, 3 card support
                                                           with a doubleton
                            Jump to 4H/4S: 11-14, very good trump support
                            Jump to 3NT: 11-14, S type, singleton or void in
                                                    second suit
                            Jump in a new suit: 11-14, S type, singleton or
                                                void in suit bid
              (ii) Rebid 2H/2S: 6 carder or solid 5 carder, no second suit
             (iii) Jump in suit 3H/3S: very good suit, good playing values
              (iv) Jump in a new suit: 13-15, 6-5 or 5-5
               (v) 2NT: 14-15, 6 carder with AKQ(Big H or S hand)
          (e) Raise 2H/2S: 7 - 9, 3 carder support and a ruffing value
          (f) Double Raise 3H/3S: 10 - 11, 3 card support
          (g) Triple Raise to 4H/4S: 7 - 11, 5 card support max 3 controls,
          (h) Jump in a new suit: 15+ strong suit, or good support and fair suit
          (i) Jump to 2NT, not a passed hand:15+, no 5 carder or strong
                                                               support: BARON
                              New suit: 4 carder
                              Jump in new suit 5-5 or 6-5
                              3NT: 5-3-3-2
          (j) Jump  to 2NT(passed hand): 10-12, very strong support or style
                              3C: asking for singleton
                              3D: Minimum opening 12-13
                              3H: sub minimum opening(9-12)
                              4H: Game Call
          (k) Jump to 3NT: 14-15, 4-3-3-3
          (l) Jump to 4C(Swiss): 14-15, good support(at best AJxx), minimum 4
                                        controls, no singleton or void
          (m) Jump to 4D(Swiss): 14-15, very good support(AKxx or KQxx),
                                      min 4 controls, no singleton or void

           1S:         Double: 8-10, -ve 4 carders C and D(penalty if responder
                                      is a passed hand)
           2C/2D/2H/2S: Double: 8-10 negative, 2 remaining suits are 4 carder
                        Pass: 0-7 or 8+ and waiting for penalty if opener
                                                   reopen's with a double

4. 1 NT : 13-15 balanced, may be five card minor
(a) 2 C : 8-11 non-forcing Stayman or 0-4 to avoid heavy penalty on
  (i) 2 D : no major
pass: 0-4
2 H/S: 8-11 five carder, inviting.
2 NT: 10-11  balanced with one four card major.
3 C :  6-9, sign off, may be with 4 card major.
3 D : 10-11, asking opener to bid 3 card major.
Jump to 3 H/S : 10 -11 good but broken 6 carder, asking
for support, strongly invitation.
  (ii) 2 H/S : major ( H first if both majors)
Pass : 0-4
2 S: 8-11 five carder, inviting.
2 NT: 10-11 balanced, with the other 4 card major.
Raise : 10 -11 inviting, four card  support.
Jump to 3S : 10-11 good but broken  6 carder, asking
for support, strongly invitation.
(b) 2 D : 12+ game forcing stayman
  (i) 2 H/S : major ( H first if both)
2S/ 3C/ 3D: five card
2NT : balanced, asking opener to show second suit if any
  (ii) 2NT : no major, no five card minor.
3C: Relay asking for opener's distribution shown by:
3D: 3-3-4-3 only D suit
3H: 2-3-4-4 both minor with 3 card H
3S: 3-2-4-4 both minor with 3 card S
3NT: 3-3-3-4 only C suit
  (iii) 3 C/D : five carder
(c) 2H/S : weak, sign off
(d) 2 NT: 10-11 balanced, no major
(e) Jump to 3 H/S : 9-11, good six card, not requiring trump support,
(f) 4 C: Gerber
(g) 4D/H : Texas


Double quit call: weak
Redouble: 9+, followed by cue bid if 12+

Suit call 2 level Double:  penalty
Suit call 3 level Double:  optional

5. 2C: 12-15 six-carder C or a good 5-carder with a major
       (a) Pass: 0-8
       (b) 2D  : Relay 9+, one round force, game likely.
 (i) 2H/2S  : Suit
    2S: 10+, 5-carder, one round force
    2NT: 10-11, other major, four support for C.
    3C:  9-11, other major, non-forcing
    4C:  12+ game forcing
 (ii) 2NT   : No Major, Stoppers in 2 side suits
    3C: 9-11, One major, non-forcing
    3D: Relay asking for suits stopped. Opener bids:
3H: H & D Stopped
3S: S & D Stopped
3NT: H & S Stopped
 (iii) 3D:  14-15, 4-carder D with 6-carder C.
 (iv)  4C:  13-15, 7-carder good C.
(c) 2H/2S:  8-11 5-carder non-forcing.
 (i) 3C: Weak, No support
 (ii) Others: Natural.
(d) 2NT:  10-12 stoppers in both majors, no majors
(e) 3C:  8-10, No major.
(f) 3D:  6-9, Very Good 6-carder D
(g) 3H/3S: 12+, Very Good 6-carder, strongly invitational
(h) 3NT: 13-16, to play, maybe less with C support.
(i) 4C/5C: Preemptive

suit at 2-level:
Pass: Weak OR 8+ for converting into Penalty if opener
      reopens with a Double.
Double: Negative (8-10) or 11+ with No stopper.
2 NT: 10-11 with a stopper
Suit bid: 7-10 non-forcing.
Cue Bid: 12+ with full or partial stopper (Jxx or Qx)
 asking opener to bid 3 NT with a full or even
 partial stopper.

6) 2D: 12-15, singleton or void in D, no 5 card major (4414)
        (a) Pass: 0- 6, 6 carder D
        (b) 2H: 0-6, minimum 3 carder H
                (i) Pass: 4 carder H
               (ii) 2S: 4 carder S, 3 carder H
                        Pass: 3 carder S
                        3C: 3 carder C, less than 3 carder S
        (c) 2S: 0 - 6, minimum 4 carder S
        (d) 2NT: 11+, forcing 1 round, asking for strength and pattern
                 (i) 3C: 12-13, 4-4-1-4
                            3H/3S: non-forcing
                (ii) 3D: 14-15, 4-4-1-4
               (iii) 3NT: 14-15, 4-4-1-4 D A or K singleton
        (e) 3C: 0-6, 4 carder or 3 carder with no 3 carder H or 4 carder S
        (f) 3D: 11-12, very good 6 carder D
                 (i) Pass: void in D
                (ii) 3H/3S: good suit, minimum singleton D

         suit call:      Double: Penalty
                         2NT: stopper in the suit and D
                         3 of a suit: 9-11, non-forcing
                         cuebid: 12+, forcing

7. 2H/2S: 7-11, good 6 carder, no second major, no void, rule of 2 and 3
         (a) New Suit: 9-11 good suit, inviting support, one round force
         (b) 2NT: 12+, game likely, relay asking for points and quality
                  (i) 3C: 7-9, no 2 top honors
                 (ii) 3D: 7-9, 2 top honors
                (iii) 3H: 10-11, no 2 top honors
                 (iv) 3S: 10-11, 2 top honors
                  (v) 3NT: suit with AKQ
         (c) raise to 3H/3S: Pre-emptive
         (d) Jump to 4H/4S: Maybe preemptive, maybe strong, no slam likely
         (e) 3NT: shutoff

8. 2NT: 22-23 balanced
         (a) 3C: Baron
         (b) 3D: Flint
         (c) 3H/3S: 5 carder, forcing
         (d) 3NT: shutoff
         (e) 4C: Gerber
         (f) 4D/4H: Texas

9. 3C: 12-15, 7 carder semi-solid C, 7-8 playing tricks
         (a) 3D:10+,stopper in D(if rebid, then 11+ strong 6 carder, game force)
                (i) 3H: stopper in H, not in S
                        3S/3NT: stopper also in S
                (ii) 3S: stopper in S, not in H
                        3NT: stopper in H
                        4C: no stopper in H, non-forcing
               (iii) 3NT: stoppers in H and S both
                (iv) 4C: no stopper in either H or S or in both
         (b) 3H:10+, stopper in H, not in D(if rebid, then 11+ strong 6 carder,
                                                       no slam likely)
                (i) 3S: stopper in D, not in S
                           3NT: stopper in S also
                           4C: no stopper in D
               (ii) 3NT: stoppers in S and D both
              (iii) 4C: no stopper in D
         (c) 3S: 10+ stopper in S but not in H & D(if rebid then 11+, strong 6
                                    carder, no slam likely)
                (i) 3NT: stoppers in both H and D
               (ii) 4C: no stopper in either or both
         (d) 3NT: 10+ stoppers in D,H,S, shutoff
         (e) 4C: Weissberger: 9+ good 6 carder major or 5-5 majors asking
                                                               for 3 carder
                (i) 4D: no support for either major
               (ii) 4H: support in H
                          4S: S six carder
                                    5C: S singleton
              (iii) 4S: support in S
         (f) 4D: 12+, void in 1 suit, support for C, asking for side A
                (i) 4H/4S: H or S Ace
               (ii) 4NT: D Ace
              (iii) 5C: no side Ace
         (g): 4H/4S: 16+, powerful 6 carder, slam likely

10. 3D/3H/3S: 7-11, 7 carder suit, Rule of 2 and 3
         (a) New Suit: forcing 1 round
         (b) Others: Natural
         (c) Raises: Pre-emptive

11. 3NT: Gambling, solid 7 carder minor, atmost a Q outside
         (a) Pass: To play
         (b) 4C/5C: signoff in C or D
         (c) 4D: Relay asking for singleton
                 4H/S: H/S singleton
                 4NT: No singleton
                 5C: D singleton
                 5D: C singleton

12. 4C/4D: 12-15, 7 carder major, Texas transfer to 4H/4S

13. 4H/4S: 7-11, 7 carder, Rule of 2 and 3

   (a) Suit Call
                  (i) 1 over 1 or 2 over 1: 8+, very good suit, rule of 2 and 3
                           Raise: 7+
                           Cue Bid: 9+ with support; 11+ if raised next round
                           Double Raise: Pre-emptive
                 (ii) Jump in a suit: 11-14, 6 carder
                           Raise: 7-8 with fit (xxx or doubleton honor)
                           Cue Bid: 9-11 with support
                (iii) Michael's Calls:
                      2C over 1C: 7-11, at least 5-4 in 2 majors
                      2D over 1D: 7-11, at least 5-4 in 2 majors
                      2H over 1H: 9+, 5 carder S with at least 3 carder D and C
                      2S over 1S: 11+, 5-5 in H and 1 minor
                              2NT: asking partner to show minor
                 (iv) 2NT: 11+, with 5-5 in 2 lowest unbid suits

    (b) 1NT weak(12-15)
                        Unpassed Hand
                  (i) Double: 15+, for penalties
                 (ii) 2C: 10-14, 4 carder with 2 other suits 4-4 or 5-3
                            suit: lowest
                                         Next higher if short in the suit
                (iii) 2D: Landy 10-14, at least 4-5 in majors
                 (iv) 2H/2S: Natural
                  (v) 2NT: 10-14, 5-5 (not in both majors)
                        Passed Hand
                  (i) Double: 9-11, 5-5 in majors or minors
                           Better minor, partner to correct to 2H for majors
                 (ii) 2C: 9-11, 4 carder with 2 other suits 4-4 or 5-3
                (iii) 2D: 9-11, 4 carder with 4-4 or 5-3 in majors
                 (iv) 2H/2S: Natural
                  (v) 2NT: 9-11, 5-5 (not in both majors or minors)
     (c) 1NT strong(16-18): same as Passed Hand against weak NT open
     (d) Weak 2 of a suit:
                  (i) Double: 14+, shortness in opener's suit, 16+ if taken a
                                                           second bid
                 (ii) Suit: 14+, good suit
     (e) Weak 3 of a suit
                 (i) Double: 16+, support for both majors
                (ii) 3H/3S: 16+, maybe 4 carder with a longer minor
                               cue bid: 10+ asking for better suit if any
                               Double: 8+, moderate support
                    Double: 16+, with second major
     (f)  Weak 4 if a suit
           4C/4D: (i) Double: 16+, for penalty with quick tricks
           4H:        Double: 16+, tolerance  for S

    Following doubles are competitive and not for penalties
    (a) Double by opener or partner at 2 levels, when opponents have supported
                                                       each other
    (b) Doubles by opener at 3 level, after both sides have bid only one suit
                                  each and supported(game inviting)

16. Slam Conventions:
 a) 4NT Blackwood:
    (i) Ace asking: Only when bid by a player in second round of bidding or
    with a jump.
        Responses Normal: 0-4/1/2/3 Aces stepwide OR
5 Aces Blackwood: 5C:  0-3 aces
  5D:  1-4 aces
  5H:  2   aces
  5S:  2   aces with K of side suit bid by partner
  5NT: 2   aces with 2Ks of suits bid by partner.
     (ii) Quantitative : When 3NT is raised to 4NT, asking partner
  to bid 6 with max.
     (iii)Natural : When no suit has matched, as a sign off.
     (iv) General try : When suit has matched & some extra information or
  control is required from the partner.
 b) 5NT Trump asking bid (not K asking)
    Trumps S/H : 6C - No top honor
  6D - with Q
  6H - with A or K
  6S - with 2 top honors or with Kxxxx
  6NT- with AKQ
    Trumps D         : 6C - with Q or less
  6D - with A or K
  6H - with two top honors or with Kxxxx
  6S - with AKQ
    Trump C : 6C - Maximum 1 top honor
  6D - Two top honors
  6H - with AKQ
 c) 5 of a major
    If bid without cue bids or 4NT ace asking, by
    (i) the original bidder of the suit: slam interest but weakness in suit
    (ii)the partner who has shown support: Slam interest, very good support bit
  no controls in unbid suits.
 d) cue-bidding: only after suit has matched and game is certain
   (i) any bid below game level is cue bid showing 1st or 2nd round control
      (A or K or singleton or void), starting from control in lowest suit.
   (ii) If a suit is by passed, it shows no control in the suit bit if bid
       next time, it promises first round control in first suit and second
       round control in the suit originally bypassed.
   (iii) Partner must cue bid his lowest control below the same level even if
       weak. If he by passes same level & cuebids, he shows a strong hand.
   (iv) If one player has by passed a suit showing no control and his partner
       still cue bids a new suit, he promises control in the by passed suit.

                     SUMMARY AND GUIDELINES
                         OPENING BIDS

1. Opening Suit Bids
      Honor Tricks: AK=2,
                    KQJ, AQ, AJ10: 1-1/2
                    Kx, QJ=1/2
                    Qx=+, AKQ=++, ++=1/2

      Opening Point Count (HCP)
                       ADD                   SUBTRACT
                       1 for all Aces        1 for no Ace
                       1 for doubleton       1 for unguarded singleton or
                       2 for singleton       doubleton honor K, Q, J or KQ
                       3 for void            or QJx.

      Principle: Open when
                 13 HCP: but not necessarily a 5 carder
                 12 HCP: 5 carder, 2 1/2 HT
              10-11 HCP: good 6 carder or 2 good 5 carders, 2+ HT

2. Opening 1C
        Must open with 16 HCP.
        14-15: very good 1 suit or 6-5 with points in those suits

3. Opening 1D/1NT/2C
   1NT : never on 12 HCP
   2C: 6 carder or 5 carder with 4 carder major

4. Opening 2H/2S
   Rule of 2 and 3. At least one Ace, no second major, max 3 controls


1. On 1C opening
       (i) Jump to 2H/2S: max 6 points, no second playable suit
      (ii) Impossible Negative
               1C-1D-1NT: Jump to next below singleton
               1C-1D-2NT/3NT: use 3C/4C baron and show additional strength later
               1C-1D-1H/S: Jump to 2NT. Any singleton
               1C-1D-2C/D: Jump to 3NT: singleton in partner's suit

2. On 1D opening
        On every weak hand and 1 or 2 carder D, bid your suit, even if it is a
        4 carder major in preference to a 5 carder minor. Similarly with less
        than 10 points but long C, bid and rebid C. 

3. On 1H/1S opening
     (i) 8-10: 1NT followed by support with no roughing value
               Raise: 3 card with roughing value
               Triple raise: 5 carder with roughing value
    (ii) 9-11: 1NT followed by jump support, 3 carder with no roughing value
               Double Raise: 3 card with roughing value
               1NT followed by jump to 4: KQxxx with side A or AKxxx with side K
   (iii)11-14: 1NT followed by jump in new suit: good support, 4 controls,
    (iv)14-15: Jump to 4C: Swiss, Good support with A. 4 controls, no singleton
                                                                    or void
               Jump to 4D: Swiss, Good support with AK or AQxx. 4 controls
                                                   no singleton or void
     (v)15+: Jump to 2NT: no support or very good support
             Jump to new suit: very good 6 carder or 5 carder with good support

4. On 1NT opening
      (i) to find a 4-4 fit in a major, to play or to invite
     (ii) to escape penalty double on very weak hand
    (iii) to invite game

5. Negative doubles after 1C opening
     It shows 5-7 points, but maybe positive

6. Negative double after suit opening
     Any double upto 2S level shows 8-10 points but may be stronger for
     penalties later on. After this opener should bid even 3 carder major if
     partner's bid shows second major or even if it is not guaranteed.

7. Asking Bids
    (i) Only possible sequences are:
             Alpha followed by Beta 4C
             Alpha followed by Gamma
             Beta(1NT) followed by Gamma
   (ii) When to apply Alpha: when own suit is broken eg. AJxxx with Kxx support
  (iii) When to apply Beta: When own suit is strong eg. AKQJxx with Kx support

8. Principles for overcalls in 2nd position
     (i) Double shows opening hand with shortness in opponent's suit and 3
         card support in remaining 3 suits UNLESS doubler holds 15+ points
         and takes a second bid. With minimum hand and 2 suits show suit
    (ii) 1NT shows 16-19 with a stopper
   (iii) Do not pre-empt with 2 defensive tricks or on 2 suiter

                          CONVENTIONAL BIDS

1. Baron
          1C-1D-2NT-3C                   It asks partner to bid 4 carder from
          1C-2NT-3C                      lowest to find a 4-4 fit.

2. Texas
         1NT-4D                          transfer to Hearts
         1NT-4H                          transfer to Spades
         4C/4D                           transfer to H/S

3. Flint
         2NT-3D                          It is transfer to 3H with firm signoff
         1C-1D-2NT-3D                    later in 3H/3S/4C or 4D.

4. Gerber
         1NT-4C                          It is Ace asking(0-4/1/2/3) enables for
         2NT-4C                          signoff in 4 or 5 level if missing A

5. Swiss
         1H/1S-4C                        14+, good support max AJxx,no singleton
                                         or void, 4+ controls
         1H/1S-4D                        14+, AK, AQ or KQxx, no singleton or
                                         void, 4+ controls
6. Weissberger
          3C-4C                          3 card or Qx holding in a major suit
                                         with slam interest.

7. Drury

1D/1H/1S (3rd or 4th hand)-- Opener can be weak (8+).
2C ? is Drury asking for strength.(It implies 11 points
                        and support for partner's suit).
With sub-minimum (8-11) opener bids 2D.

8. Epsilon

Asking Bid after 1C opening in Precision Bidding
If partnership does not play ALPHA then it plays BETA, GAMMA & EPSILON
On Positive response of 2C/2D, rebid 3C/3D is GAMMA
On 1H/1S, 1NT is BETA & joining in H/S is GAMMA. After these sequences,
any new suit bid by opener is Epsilon, asking for holding in that suit.
              1st step: 3 or more low cards (No control)
              2nd step: Doubleton or Qxx (3rd round control)
              3rd step: Singleton or Kx  (2nd round control)
              4th step: void or Ace      (1st round control)
              5th step: AK or AQ         (Two top controls)

9. Non Forcing Stayman:
i) 1NT - 2C? 8-11, normally one major or first bid to later
sign off in 3C/3D.
ii) 1C-1D-1NT-2C? 4-6, unbalanced, one 4/5 carder major

10. Forcing Stayman:
i) 1NT - 2D? 12+ with major (game forced) or 16+ maybe
without major, trying to find a 4-4 fit
for slam.
ii) 1C-1D-1NT-2D? 5-7, unbalanced, 5-4-3-1 or 5-5-2-1

11. Asking Bids after 1C opening and a positive response:
Any suit bid by opener on his next turn after a positive response is
ALPHA, asking for support in the suit & also for controls.
Responses are
                     1 step: Less than Qxx, max 3 controls
                     2 step: Less than Qxx, 4+ controls
                     3 step: Qxx or better support, max 3 controls
                     4 step: Qxx or better support, 4+ controls
                     5 step: Qxxx or better support, 4+ controls
If responses to ALPHA is Positive i.e 3rd step or better, it can
be followed by
Gamma asking for quality in partner' suit OR
Beta 4C: to ask for exact number of controls i.e.,
0,1,2,3 if response showed max 3 controls OR
4,5,6,... if response showed 4+ controls

Raise of partner's suit after a +ve response is Gamma asking for quality of
suit. Responses are
                       1 step: No top honor               (0)
                       2 step: 5 carder, 1 top honor      (1)
                       3 step: 5 carder, 2 top honors     (2)
                       4 step: 6 carder, 1 top honor      (1)
                       5 step: 6 carder, 2 top honors     (2)
                       6 step: 3 top honors               (3)
Remember as 012-123.
Only if Gamma is employed for a minor suit i.e. raising 2C/2D to 3C/3D, it
can be followed by BETA 4C (or 4D if C is the suit) asking for controls.
Responses are (A=2, K=1 control)
                   1 step: 0-2 controls
                   2 step: 3 controls
                   3 step: 4 controls
If Gamma is employed for a major suit it cannot be followed by BETA 4C.

1C-1H/1S-1NT is BETA asking for controls.
Responses are (A=2, K=1 control)
                   1 step: 0-2 controls
                   2 step: 3 controls
                   3 step: 4 controls
Beta can be followed by Gamma by joining partner's suit.

D) BETA 4C (or 4D) can be employed only after two sequences:
i) Positive response in major, then Alpha & +ve response to Alpha, then 4C Beta
for EXACT number of controls.
ii) Positive response in minor, then Gamma, then Beta 4C (or 4D if C is the
suit), for exact number of controls.

12. Defensive Overcalls in 2nd position on Suit opening by Opponents-2 suiters
1C-2C? 5-5 S & D (extreme 2 suits)
1C-2D? 5-5 majors
1C-2N? 5-5 H & D (lowest 2 suits)
1C-3C? Preemptive; long 6-carder

1D/H/S-2D/H/S? {Cue Bid} 5-5 2 extreme suits (S-C/S-C/H-C)
1D/H/S-2N? 5-5 2 lowest suits (H-C/D-C/D-C)
1D/H/S-3C? 5-5 2 remaining suits (S-H/S-D/H-D)

13. Slam Bidding Conventions
a) 4NT Blackwood:
    (i) Ace asking: Only when bid by a player in second round of bidding or
                    with a jump.
   (ii) Quantitative  : When 3NT is raised to 4NT, asking partner
                          to bid 6 with max.
   (iii)Natural       : When no suit has matched, as a sign off.
   (iv) General try   : When suit has matched; asking for additional controls

b) 4NT Five Ace Blackwood: Responses are
         5C:0-3 aces
                 5D:1-4 aces
                 5H: 2  aces
                 5S: 2  aces with 1 K
                5NT: 2  aces with 2Ks

a) Josephine (Grand Slam Force)
When Trumps are agreed:
i) Jump to 5NT asks partner to bid 7 with two top honors
ii) bid of unbid minor (6C/D) after employing ace asking 4NT also is asking
partner to bid 7 with 2 top honors (same holds when 5 of an unbid suit is bid
if C is the suit).
iii) Without 2 top honors, responder shows quality of trumps. Response depends
on space available to be able to sign off at 6 level.
    Trumps S            : 6C - No top honor (J or less)
                          6D - with Q
                          6H - with Axxx or Kxxx
                          6S - with Axxxx or with Kxxxx
                          7S - with 2 top honors
    Trumps H            : 6C - Q or less
                          6D - with Axxx or Kxxx
                          6H - with Axxxx or Kxxxx
                          6S - -----------------
                          7H - with 2 top honors
    Trumps D            : 6C - with Q or less
                          6D - with A or K
                          6H - -----------------
                          6S - -----------------
                          7D - with 2 top honors
    Trump C             : 6C - Maximum 1 top honor
                          6D - -----------------
                          6H - -----------------
                          6S - -----------------
                          7C - with 2 top honors
Remember Spade Responses. Others can be obtained by compressing lowest 2
responses into one.

b) Cue Bidding
when suit has matched either partner can start bidding his lowest control
(A or K or singleton or void). If a partner bypasses a suit & cue bids in
that suit in next round, it promises A (or void) of first suit & K
(or singleton) of 2nd suit. Below game level, even the weak partner must bid
his control if cue bidding is initiated by his partner.

c) Transfer's for 1 suiters when opponents have bid 1NT or 1C
   In second position:
   On 1 C opening by opponent
           Double: D suit
           1D    : H suit
           1H    : S suit
           1S    : C suit
   On 1NT opening by opponent
           Double: C suit
           2C:   : D suit
           2D    : H suit
           2H    : S suit


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